Engineering world



i)         Primary sensing element


ii)      Variable conversion element &


iii)    Data presentation element.

👉Sensing Element: This is the part of the instrument that senses the physical parameter being measured, such as temperature, pressure, or flow.

👉Transducer: This element converts the physical parameter into an electrical signal that can be measured and processed by the instrument.

👉Signal Conditioner: This element processes the electrical signal to remove noise, amplify it, or convert it to a form suitable for further processing.

👉Display: This element provides a visual representation of the measured parameter, such as a numerical value or a graphical display.

👉Recording Element: This element records and stores the measured parameter, either in digital or analog form, for later analysis or comparison.

👉Control Element: This element allows the instrument to control a process or system based on the measured parameter, such as regulating temperature or pressure.

👉Communication Element: This element enables the instrument to communicate with other instruments or systems, either through wired or wireless connections.

👉Power Supply: This element provides the necessary power to operate the instrument, either through batteries or an external power source.

👉Housing: This element provides a protective and functional enclosure for the instrument, ensuring it can be used in a variety of environments.

👉User Interface: This element enables the user to interact with the instrument, either through buttons, knobs, or a touch screen, to set parameters, view results, or perform other functions.

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