Types of Analog and Digital Voltmeters

Engineering world

 Principle And Types Of Analog And Digital Voltmeters


Ø Basically an electrical indicating instrument is divided into two types. They are

i) Analog instruments

ii)      Digital Instruments.


Ø       Analog instruments are nothing but its output is the deflection of pointer, which is proportional to its input.


Ø       Digital Instruments are its output is in decimal form.


Ø       Analog ammeters and voltmeters are classed together as there are no fundamental differences in their operating principles.


Ø       The action of all ammeters and voltmeters, with the exception of electrostatic type of instruments, depends upon a deflecting torque produced by an electric current.


Ø       In an ammeter this torque is produced by a current to be measured or by a definite fraction of it.


Ø       In a voltmeter this torque is produced by a current which is proportional to the voltage to be measured.

Ø       Thus all analog voltmeters and ammeters are essentially current measuring devices.


The essential requirements of a measuring instrument are


(i)      That its introduction into the circuit, where measurements are to be made, does not alter the circuit conditions ;


(ii)   The power consumed by them for their operation is small.

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