v There is no concern with demagnetization; hence synchronous reluctance machines are inherently more reliable than PM machines.
v There need not be any exciting field as torque is zero, thus eliminating electromagnetic spinning losses.
v Synchronous reluctance machine rotors can be constructed entirely from high strength, low cost materials.
v High cost than induction Motor.
v Need Speed synchronization to invertor output frequency by using rotor position sensor and sensor less control.
v Compared to induction motor it is slightly heavier and has low power factor.
v By increasing the saliency ratio Lds/Lqs, the power factor can be improved.
v Metering Pumps.
v Auxiliary time Mechanism.
v Wrapping and folding Machines.
v Proportioning Devices on Pumps or conveyors.
v Synthetic fibre manufacturing equipment.
v Processing continuous sheet or film material.